What Really Happened: the history books vs. reality
Friday, October 27, 2023 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM · 1 hr. 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
History Hall
How much of a war is won on screens instead of battlefield? Who is dominating the narratives, why, and how? Which responsibility lies within the filmmakers in this process?
Pál Dániel Rényi
Journalist & Sociologist444.huAnton Yaremchuk
Filmmaker & ParamedicBASE UA, Loud Film CollectiveGanna Maliar
Lawyer, StateswomanDiana Feuerbach
AuthorModerator & Author, Verlag Voland & QuistBence Máté
documentary filmmaker, former Middle East correspondentDirector, Middle East CorrespondentMK
Michal Kokot
Foreign Desk JournalistGazeta Wyborcza