Maren Schuster

Maren Schuster

Multimedia and Authorship (MMA)

Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

About me

Maren Schuster works as a media scientist at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and is responsible for the master's program Multimedia and Authorship (MMA). The Master with focus on digital journalism follows the Digital Methods principle "follow the media" and applies it to the field of digital journalism. The program sees itself as a laboratory. The goal is to use media studies and the methods of other subjects to explore the issues of the digitalized present and to reflect on them in media action. Following this goal, Maren, as a researcher and journalist, develops relevant questions and projects for the modules of the master and initiates partnerships with science, culture and media. After a journalistic project on why inequality makes people sick, she is currently working on a climate journalism project in Halle. In her dissertation, Maren focuses on the potential of data and data-driven processes for journalism. She is thus following up on her preliminary work on digital transformation processes in journalism and disinformation. Within her teaching and research projects, interdisciplinary work and transfer projects with other disciplines such as ethnology, jurisprudence or medicine take on a special significance. Questions of representation and diversity in journalism and research are particularly relevant to her.
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