Andreas Hamburger

Andreas Hamburger

Professor for Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis, Moderator

International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin (IPU)

About me

Andreas Hamburger is a Professor for Clinical Psychology and Psychoanalysis at International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin (IPU). He is a psychoanalyst (DPG/IPA), Training Analyst and Supervisor (DPG). His main field of research are psychoanalytic supervision, social trauma, psychoanalytic literature and film interpretation, scenic-narrative microanalytsis. He has authored seven scientific monographs and more than 200 papers, and edited books as well as book series on supervision, film analysis, and social trauma. Currently, Andreas Hamburger is Chair of the Board of Köhlerstiftung, Essen and second Speaker of the Joint Doctoral Colloquium of IPU Berlin and KKC Bochum “Trauma and Collective Violence: Articulation, Negotiation and Recognition.” Books on film psychoanalysis: Book series Im Dialog: Psychoanalyse und Filmtheorie, co-edited since 2018 with G. Schneider, P. Bär. K. Nitzschmann & T. Storck. Gießen: Psychosozial. Hamburger, A. (2024, in press). Film Psychoanalysis - Relational Approaches to Film Interpretation. London, New York: Routledge [English edition of the German original, Psychosozial 2018; issued also in Bulgarian, NBU Press 2020] Hamburger, A. (Ed.). (2024, in press). Screening the Scars. The (In)Visibility of Social Trauma. Oxfordshire: Phoenix. Pramataroff-Hamburger, V. & Hamburger, A. (Eds.) (2024; in press). From La Strada to The Hours – Suffering and Souvereign Women in the Movies. New York, Heidelberg: Springer (English edition of the German original, Springer 2022; issued also in Bulgarian, Kolibri 2020). Books on supervision: Book series Supervision im Dialog, co-edited since 2016 with W. Mertens. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Hamburger, A. & Mertens, W. (Hrsg.) (2016). Supervision – Konzepte und Anwendungen. Band 1: Supervision in der Praxis – ein Überblick. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Mertens, W. & Hamburger, A. (Hrsg.) (2016). Supervision – Konzepte und Anwendungen. Band 2: Supervision in der Ausbildung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. Hamburger, A. & Möller, H. (Hrsg.) (2018). Journal issue: "Who watches the watchers?" Zur Qualifikation von Ausbildungssupervisoren in Psychotherapie und Sozialer Arbeit, Supervision und Coaching. OSC – Organisation, Supervision, Coaching 25(4). Hamburger, A., Vogelheim, F.-J. (Hrsg.) (2020). Supervision in der Jugendhilfe. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Kretschmar, T. & Hamburger, A. (2021) Coaching and Supervision. Psychodynamic Counseling for Executives. London, New York: Routledge [English edition of the German original, Kohlhammer 2019; issued also in Russian, Klas 2020] Books on Social Trauma: Hamburger, A., Hancheva, C. & Volkan. V. (2020). Social Trauma – An Interdisciplinary Textbook. New York: Springer (issued also in German, Springer 2022 and Bulgarian, Sofia University Press 2024, in press). Hamburger, A., Hancheva, C. & Özçürümez, S. (Eds.) (2019). Social Trauma and Forced Migration. Rethinking Integration, Education and Mental Health. Best Practice Recommendations. Hamburger, A., Hancheva, C., Ozcurumez, S., Scher, C., Stanković B. & Tutnjević, S., (Eds.) (2018). Forced Migration and Social Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London. New York: Routledge. GRADIVA AWARD 2020 (to be issued also in Bulgarian, NBU Press 2024, in press) Hamburger, A. [Ed.] (2018) Trauma, Trust, and Memory. – Social Trauma and Reconciliation in Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy and Cultural Memory. London, New York: Routledge. Laub, D. & Hamburger, A. (Eds.) (2017). Psychoanalysis and Holocaust Testimony: Unwanted Memories of Social Trauma. London: Routledge.
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Is speaking at

Destructive Silence: censorship within and without

Friday, October 27, 2023 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM
History Hall
HE Dr. Fatou Bensouda · Former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Gambian High Commissioner to the UK
Fabrice Puchault · Arte France
Andreas Hamburger · International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin (IPU)
Sergei Loznitsa · Author, Director, Producer
Prof. Dr. Jan Hegemann · Raue Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Rechtsanwältinnen mbB