Valentin Riedl, FAU | Suzan Tunca, ICK Dans Amsterdam
Valentin is Full Professor for Neuroimaging at FAU in Erlangen, Germany.
He studied medicine and holds an MD in genetics and a PhD in Systemic
Neurosciences. After graduation, he worked in Bioethics for the World Health
Organization (WHO) in Geneva but then turned towards studying the brain.
His lab studies the energy demand of the human brain and how it distributes
across brain networks. Valentin has been working with artists for science
communication in several disciplines. With support from the Wim Wenders-
Foundation, he recently directed the award-winning documentary films
CARLOTTA’S FACE and LOST IN FACE starring face-blind artist Carlotta.
ICK Dans Amsterdam is one of Netherland's most renowned dance companies. In 2021, Emio Greco and Pieter C Scholten, the directors of ICK, received the Golden Swan - Lifetime Achievement Award. As part of ICK, ICK Academy is a research platform for interdisciplinary dance projects led by the Dancer and Choreographer Suzan Tunca. The research projects lead to performances, installations and films. ICK Academy shares their knowledge and methods with schools and children, the public and with other dance companies, in productions and workshops.